6581. Attacking
Chess inspired
problems are a common source of exercises in algorithms classes. Starting with
the well-known 8 - queens problem, several generalizations and
variations were made. One of them is the n-rooks problem, which consists
of placing n rooks in an n by n
chessboard in such a way that they do not attack each other.
Professor Anand
presented the n-rooks problem to his students. Since rooks only attack
each other when they share a row or column, they soon discovered that the
problem can be easily solved by placing the rooks along a main diagonal of the
board. So, the professor decided to complicate the problem by adding some pawns
to the board. In a board with pawns, two rooks attack each other if and only if
they share a row or column and there is no pawn placed between them. Besides,
pawns occupy some squares, which gives an additional restriction on which squares
the rooks may be placed on.
Given the size of
the board and the location of the pawns, tell Professor Anand the maximum
number of rooks that can be placed on empty squares such that no two of them
attack each other.
Input. The first line
contains an integer n (1 ≤ n ≤ 100)
representing the number of rows and columns of the board. Each of the next n
lines contains a string of n characters. In the i-th of these strings, the j-th
character represents the square in the i-th
row and j-th column of the board. The
character is either “.” (dot) or the uppercase letter “X”, indicating
respectively an empty square or a square containing a pawn.
Output. Output a line with
an integer representing the maximum number of rooks that can be placed on the
empty squares of the board without attacking each other.
Sample input |
Sample output |
5 X.... X.... ..X.. .X... ....X |
7 |
graphs – maximum matching
Let us
construct matrices h of horizontal and v of vertical movement of
rooks. The matrices contain zeros in the cells with pawns (symbols ‘X’).
The cells along which one rook can move in horizontal direction, conain identical numbers. Thus, we get a set of horizontal rectangles, each containing the same numbers in its cells. The same applies to the
cells for vertical movements of a rook.
Next, we construct
a bipartite graph. Each horizontal rectangle has some number i. Let’s assign it the vertex i of the left part of the
graph. It should be connected to those vertices from the right part, which numbers coincide with the numbers of vertical rectangles
crossing the i-th horizontal rectangle.
Now it remains to find the value of the maximum matching.
Here is the matrices for horizontal and
vertical movement of the rooks:
Next given the bipartite graph, the maximum matching and the optimal rook placement:
Declare the arrays.
#define MAX
h[MAX][MAX], v[MAX][MAX];
vector<int> used, par, mt;
vector<int> g[MAX*MAX];
Start the depth first search from the vertex v. We try to find an augmenting path starting from v.
int dfs(int v)
if (used[v]) return 0;
used[v] = 1;
for (int i = 0; i < g[v].size(); i++)
int to =
if (mt[to]
== -1 || dfs(mt[to]))
mt[to] = v;
par[v] = to;
return 1;
return 0;
Find the
maximum matching using the augmenting path
void AugmentingPath(void)
mt.assign(ver, -1);
par.assign(hor, -1);
for (int run = 1; run; )
run = 0; used.assign(hor, 0);
for (int i = 1; i < hor; i++)
if ((par[i] == -1) && dfs(i)) run = 1;
The main part of the program. Read the input data.
cin >> n;
s[0] = string(n + 1, ' ');
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
cin >> s[i];
s[i] = " " + s[i];
Construct the matrices h and v, respectively,
of the horizontal and vertical moves of the rooks on the board.
hor =
ver = 1;
for(i =
1; i <= n; ++i)
for(j =
1; j <= n; ++j)
if(s[i][j] ==
h[i][j] = (s[i][j - 1] == '.' ? h[i][j - 1] : hor++);
v[i][j] = (s[i - 1][j] == '.' ? v[i - 1][j] : ver++);
a bipartite graph.
Start the search for the maximum matching.
the value of the maximum matching flow and print it.
flow =
for (i =
1; i < ver; i++)
if (mt[i] !=
-1) flow++;
cout << flow;